Canada was great! I had the chance to present a paper to specialists in flight simulators from all over the world at the AIAA Conference. After that I could taste a little from Toronto and Montreal in Quebec, the French state. I just stayed in hostels after the conference, and that was much more fun […]
Arquivo | English
These are the few posts I have written in English. As it is not my mother-tongue language I appreciate if you leave any grammar or writing errors in the comments! ;) Thanks!
Sheraton Hostel
As my university is paying for my expenses here in Toronto so I can present an article in a Conference that we wrote about a flight simulator we developed there, it’s the first time in 3 years after visiting US for 6 times, Canada 3 times, and other 11 countries, that I stay in a […]
Aprendendo a pilotar em Seattle
Voar. Queria que essa fosse a primeira palavra do meu blog. Eu tanto sonhei com esse verbo, que agora ele está começando a fazer parte da minha rotina diária. Pode ser o primeiro passo, mas está sendo um dos passos mais significantes e espetaculares da minha vida! Estou aprendendo a pilotar em um Cessna 172, […]